Cards Against Humanity: The Berlin Edition

by James Glazebrook

Cards Against Humanity Berlin Expat Edition

Kennst du Cards Against Humanity? It’s the “party game for horrible people”, where players attempt to one-up each other, by providing shocking and disgusting answers to seemingly innocuous questions. Naturally, we love it.

The only problem is that you can’t buy it in Germany. The makers tell us that this is a distribution challenge, but we also wonder whether is has something to do with not knowing the Deutsch market. If you don’t understand Germans, you might not realise that their minds are as filthy as the Americans and Brits, or know where they draw the line between “wrong ;)” and “WRONG!!!!”

Thankfully, Cards Against Humanity have made it possible to produce your own game. On their website, they provide the standard set of black and white cards for printing at home, and blank sets so you can make your own. A couple of fans have even produced German translations – check them out here and here.

Introducing Cards Against Humanity: The Berlin Edition. We’ve created a set of cards that reflect all that is weird and wonderful (but mostly weird) about living in Berlin, so you can test your friends’ local knowledge as well as their intestinal fortitude! Just download it here, get horrible and enjoy yourselves!

Cards Against Humanity Berlin Edition 1

Cards Against Humanity Berlin Edition 2

Have you got anything to add? Let us know what black cards you’d like to see, and maybe we’ll make an expanded pack. Leave your filthy comments below ????