Glass Berlin

by James Glazebrook

Spoiler alert! Here’s a sneak peek of Glass Berlin‘s signature “mystery” desert, the Candy Box – a confection of homemade gummy bears, chocolate caviar, sweet herbs and other treats, spread across a table-sized sheet of aluminium foil. I’m sure Gal Ben Moshe won’t mind us blowing his restaurant’s worst-kept secret, because: every time the dish is prepared at a table, it draws the attention of all the other diners anyway, and it perfectly illustrates the head chef’s playful approach to cooking.

Moshe draws on cherished memories for inspiration – the Stadtgarten of vegetables, flowers and earth(!) brings an open-air picnic from Tempelhofer Feld to the plate, and other experimental dishes infuse his Israeli upbringing with the wide-eyed wonder of a (fairly) recent arrival in Berlin. If you go to Glass (and you should) we recommend trying the vegetarian menu – the Hokkaido of filled pasta, butter rum, brussels sprouts, cranberries and chestnut was a delightful surprise – and asking your attentive host about the influences behind his adventurous cuisine… and his awesome tattoo!