Miss / Bliss
by James Glazebrook
Absence really does make the heart grow fonder. We were struggling to think of what we missed about London when we made our first return trip a few weeks ago, but now it’s come flooding back. Friends, family, facilities – all the stuff you take for granted when you live with it every day. But for every thing we pine for, we can think of another that it’s bliss to be free from. Hence these two conflicting lists: to paraphrase James Murphy, London, We Love You But You Were Bringing Us Down.
So true of any type of move! I guess it all comes down to your outlook and how you choose to look at it. But I agree that we all have moments of being on both sides.
ps. those pants….I probably never even would have noticed them were it not for the name. too funny.
Pants? Oh, the jeans? If you saw them you wouldn’t find them funny. Scary, more like.
You’re so right about the outlook thing. We’re usually very positive about being here, but yes, we have our moments.
Thanks for the comment!
…I will end up looking like a burger! lol
You’ve got the same feeling I have now I’m living in Antwerp.. surrounded by people speaking a language I don’t know! Some of the older customers are really snooty when I say I can only speak English.. “but, vee are een Ant-ver-pen! *snooty face*” And the news thing and being able to ignor dull whingey conversations.. exc^pt when the woman sitting behind you in the bar is screeching loudly in American drawl like Ruby Wax because she wants to be noticed!.. but having a whole new city to explore.. good! PS. There is a bar round the corner called “Berlin”, I’m going to take a picture of it especailly for you 2. xx
Yeah, we’d love to see that. Sorry to hear Antwerp isn’t as (superficially) expat friendly as Berlin. Still, when things have settled here, we’ll have to come visit!
[…] amazing about Berlin, feel free to explore our blog – it’s all we ever talk about! And this might be a good place to […]
brilliant work James and it is so true …but even in a few months i think you have made great progress towards becoming a burger or whatever!!!
Thanks guys. If I keep eating and drinking this, I will end up looking like a burger!
Haha brilliant post. Indeed Cos is a fair subsitute for Uni Qlo!
Damn – I forgot Waitrose… in fact, any supermarket that stocks everything and delivers to your door. The little things, ay?
Hey, I like this post.
I miss Waitrose. Borough Market. Great British Menu. Farmers Markets. Humour. Everyman Cinema. Tolerance and celebration of other cultures.