Radio überlin vol. 2
by James Glazebrook

Boom! Welcome to volume 2 of Radio überlin. This time we get to know my better half, the seldom-heard-from Zoë, as she explains when she first fell in love with Berlin, how moving here changed her life, and what inspires (and annoys) her about the city. We also answer a listener’s question about finding work and accommodation as a dual citizen of the UK and Germany, and play the very first round of BerlIN/BerlOUT *cue airhorn*. All that, plus music from Emika, Erlend Øye and Phonique, Jahcoozi, Peaches, Ellen Allien & Apparat and… Cabaret! Tune into Berlin Radio International every Thursday evening from 8:30pm to hear more.
BRI – Radio überlin EP 2 – 12/03/2015 by Berlinri on Mixcloud