Berlin in Second Life

by James Glazebrook

Remember Second Life? Of course you don’t! I was watching a feature-length documentary about the super-immersive virtual world and I wondered, of all the places and people and lives that have been created there, if anyone’s bothered to make a version of Berlin. Turns out they have, and it’s imaginatively named newBerlin.

Here’s a showreel, inexplicably soundtracked by the Dallas theme tune. Look out for Alex, the Fernsehturm, the Berlin Wall, and – naturally – a gross purple-breasted lady monster…

…and the “trashy trailer”!

Here’s a fashion show that marked the opening of the virtual version of Alexa, which is at least as classy as anything that’s ever happened in the real-life mall…

…the newBerlin Art Festival 2008 “fire girls”, who may just blow your mind….

…there’s even a virtual Christopher Street Day celebration!

Think that’s weird? Check out Star Trek’s version of New Berlin!

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