The Soviet War Memorial in Treptower Park
by James Glazebrook
The Soviet War Memorial in Treptower Park is appropriately epic. A tribute to the 80,000 Red Army soldiers who fell in the Battle of Berlin (1945), and the final resting place for 5,000 of them, the Soviet War Memorial at Treptow is bigger than most public parks. A 12m tall statue is flanked by 16 stone sarcophagi (one for each of the Soviet Republics), and two enormous kneeling soldiers clutching their helmets in their hands. The red roses placed at the memorial serve as a reminder that people still live that owe their lives and liberty to these men, and it’s impossible for Western visitors not to be jarred by the Soviet commitment to stop the Nazis, a sacrifice that far outstripped ours. As ever, for moving (in both senses of the word) images, see Good Hard Working People’s one minute video, which provides historical context as well as a very personal emotional response.
I have mixed feelings about the memorial. I need to read more history, but while I certainly think places like these should be accorded respect, and while I find the memorial itself quite moving, I think it’s too much to say that ‘these people died for our freedom’. Whatever they were fighting for it wasn’t the sorts of freedoms we enjoy in Berlin now.
And the revenge that was exacted on the population here when the troops arrived, and in particular the raping of many (most?) women in the city, should also not be forgotten. An East German friend of mine in Los Angeles, was actually 1/4 Russian, from one of these Soviet rapes in another part of Germany. For a depressing, but interesting read check out a Woman in Berlin:
It certainly makes you think about these men who made the ultimate sacrifice so we could live in freedom.
Great article and pics guys
Great photos as always Zoë of one of my favourite places in Berlin.