Music Montag: Ballet School
by James Glazebrook
Mad love for the PonyDanceClyde girls for hooking me up with Ballet School. They had me at their headline “Nirvana, Madonna and the New Berlin“, and an interview that namechecked James Murphy, David Holmes *and* the Labyrinth soundtrack just sealed the deal. I’m currently listening to this on repeat: a cover of Fleetwood Mac’s bittersweet “Sara”, which strips away the Berlin band’s usual 80s New Wave and leaves just Irish singer Rosie Blair’s pure voice swirling in ambient SWOON. Heart-melting.
it’s 08.06AM in los angeles and this just sweetened our morning.
lovely post.
quelle splendid blog.
have a beautiful day.
_teamgloria x
Glad to hear it. Goooooo Team!