Music Montag: Booka Shade

by James Glazebrook

"BS_003.jpg" by eike koenig under Creative Commons license Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.0 Generic

“BS_003.jpg” by eike koenig under Creative Commons license Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.0 Generic

Booka Shade are back! One day, when I’m feeling nostalgic, I’ll tell you about how the Berlin duo were the soundtrack to our first visit to the city; how listening to them now takes us back to so many precious times and places; how “Mandarine Girl” reminds us of countless stellar DJ sets (including mine); how “In White Rooms” and “Regenerate” are still among our favourite tracks; how the strings version of “Night Falls” was our wedding march. Some other time… for now I’ll just tell you that their excellent new EP Haleshop is out today, on limited edition hand-stamped white vinyl, and that they’re announcing new live European dates all the time – go to to find out about both pieces of great news!

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