Music Montag: Monotekktoni

by James Glazebrook

Again, Pale Music’s Berlin Insane compilations have come up with the goods! This time, they helped me unearth the intriguing Monotekktoni, who sounds like Björk taking on Siouxsie Sioux in an awesome-off.

The artist herself is a little more abstract in her own description of her music, which I’ve left badly Google Translated, for art’s sake:

I-I do know is what am a rattling rock band without a guitar.
I am a meat grinder in the orchestra in miniature, the conductor turns at the wheel.
The orchestra also. I am the orchestra. I am the conductor.
The conductor is a woman. Volunteering. The drums in double occupation.
Electronic woman I rock band that fits under and behind a table.
And all the heart.


Most recently, she’s released a set of piano ballads as Tonia Reeh, but I’m sticking with the electronic bonkersness of her Monotekktoni alter ego. Specifically, “Dynamite”, in which the artist builds a pipe bomb disguised as a baby in order to blow up a Berlin bank. BOOM!