
Category Archives: tech

Music Montag: Aérea Negrot : überlinüberlin

Music Montag: Aérea Negrot

by James Glazebrook

Aerea Negrot
Venezuelan transgender diva Aérea Negrot first appeared as a guest vocalist on Hercules and the Love Affair’s last album, Blue Songs, before finding her home at Berlin’s bpitch control. Her incorporation of abstract vocals into hypnotic minimal owes much to label head Ellen Allien and sometime collaborator Miss Kittin, but Negrot has an identity all of her own, musically, visually, and, well, sexually. Gender politics are not our forté, but it’s pretty obvious what she’s referring to 11 minutes into the below live set (recorded at Watergate) when she starts chanting, “This is not the wrong body”.

Debut album Arabxilla (out on September 19th) folds techno, abstract electronica, piano house and opera into a heady, hedonistic mix – think Nôze meets Grace Jones in a Berghain bathroom. Our highlight is a German-language lounge song called “Berlin”, which we can’t wait to drop into a self-indulgent themed DJ set, but for now you’ll have to settle for an exclusive track, “Love You From The Brain”, streaming at the bottom of this post.

“Love You From The Brain” (click through to download):

This article originally appeared on Bang Bang Berlin.

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Hello Etsy! Hello money-off code! : uberlinuberlin

Hello Etsy! Hello money-off code!

by James Glazebrook

Hello Esty Berlin

The lovely people at Etsy have been kind enough to offer 20 of our readers money off tickets to its first conference, Hello Etsy: A Summit on Small Business and Sustainability. To book your place at the conference with €10 off, simply follow this link and enter this promotion code: uberlin_helloetsy2011

Hello Etsy is billed as a “hands-on gathering for small business owners who want to connect with their peers, learn new skills, and be part of the movement to build sustainable micro-economies.” As Berlin fast establishes itself as the startup capital of Europe, and people continue to flock here to do their own thing, Etsy is providing exactly the kind of support and structure that flakey creative types like us need!

The conference takes place on September 17th and 18th, and features workshops and sessions covering the following areas: The Big Picture, The Product, The Business and The Market. We’re especially looking forward to “Wisdom of Friends – Facebook for Entrepreneurs”, with Gavin Sathianathan, Head of Commerce Partnerships at Zuck’s London office, “Ask your SEO Questions” and “Project Management for Indie Businesses”.

The cherry on the top is the venue: Ewerk, Germany’s oldest preserved commercial powerplant. We got our rave on in this huge industrial space in 2009, celebrating the 20th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall, and we’re excited to be going back there. If you’re reading this from outside Germany, Etsy tell me there will be satellite events taking place across Europe and in the US and Canada – check out the Hello Etsy site for more details.


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2 Responses to “Hello Etsy! Hello money-off code!”

  1. Papa says:

    Looks good James are you and zoe going ?

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Hello Etsy! Hello money-off code! : uberlinuberlin

Hello Etsy! Hello money-off code!

by James Glazebrook

Hello Esty Berlin

The lovely people at Etsy have been kind enough to offer 20 of our readers money off tickets to its first conference, Hello Etsy: A Summit on Small Business and Sustainability. To book your place at the conference with €10 off, simply follow this link and enter this promotion code: uberlin_helloetsy2011

Hello Etsy is billed as a “hands-on gathering for small business owners who want to connect with their peers, learn new skills, and be part of the movement to build sustainable micro-economies.” As Berlin fast establishes itself as the startup capital of Europe, and people continue to flock here to do their own thing, Etsy is providing exactly the kind of support and structure that flakey creative types like us need!

The conference takes place on September 17th and 18th, and features workshops and sessions covering the following areas: The Big Picture, The Product, The Business and The Market. We’re especially looking forward to “Wisdom of Friends – Facebook for Entrepreneurs”, with Gavin Sathianathan, Head of Commerce Partnerships at Zuck’s London office, “Ask your SEO Questions” and “Project Management for Indie Businesses”.

The cherry on the top is the venue: Ewerk, Germany’s oldest preserved commercial powerplant. We got our rave on in this huge industrial space in 2009, celebrating the 20th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall, and we’re excited to be going back there. If you’re reading this from outside Germany, Etsy tell me there will be satellite events taking place across Europe and in the US and Canada – check out the Hello Etsy site for more details.


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2 Responses to “Hello Etsy! Hello money-off code!”

  1. Papa says:

    Looks good James are you and zoe going ?

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Computer Games Museum in Close Up : überlinüberlin

Computer Games Museum in Close Up

by Zoë Noble

Computer Games Museum 1Computer Games Museum 2Computer Games Museum 3Computer Games Museum 4Computer Games Museum 5Computer Games Museum 6Computer Games Museum 7Computer Games Museum 8Computer Games Museum 9Computer Games Museum 10Computer Games Museum 11Computer Games Museum 12Computer Games Museum 13Computer Games Museum 14

9 Responses to “Computer Games Museum in Close Up”

  1. […] Then my friend Judith, who is the one featured in the video, recommended it and then Zoe posted stunning macro photos from the museum on the überlin Blog. I couldn’t wait any longer – and another dreary drizzly day presented itself with […]

  2. […] out at awesome indoor attractions like the Computer Games Museum or Loxx – this miniature railway version of Berlin is the best way to see the city without […]

  3. […] Recommended by James Glazebrook; Photo courtesy of Zoë Noble […]

  4. Luci says:

    Beautiful photos. Have to agree with Sylee, the macro images are amazing. I already had the museum on my list for a video – but your particular close-up vision is inspiring even more.

    • James says:

      Thanks Luci, we’re going to get Jahreskarten so there will be plenty more to follow. Let us know if you want any photos to make a video with – this is only a small selection. Win-win yeah? #expattribe

  5. Sylee says:

    I love this macro museum thing you’ve got going. Such great knobs!

    • James says:

      Thanks! Really, it’s just Zoë’s attempt to recreate my myopic views of these places – too many hours spent on video games has ruined my eyesight.

  6. Zoe says:

    thanks Ingrid! Such fun subjects to photograph…

  7. Ingrid says:

    Amazing post, love the images!

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Amon Tobin, Astra : uberlinuberlin

Amon Tobin, Astra

by James Glazebrook

Our attempt to capture Amon Tobin’s stunning 3D live show, ISAM. You can read my review of the gig, which also featured The Bug (pictured here) and Emika, over on Bang Bang Berlin.

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7 Responses to “Amon Tobin, Astra”

  1. […] incorporation of disparate global sonics into a unique bottom-heavy blend, reminds me a little of Amon Tobin, but I’ll let you make your own mind up. Here’s the video to “Colony […]

  2. johnontheinternet says:

    This looks intense.
    Love for Amon Tobin.
    … and The Bug is a genius – “we livin’ in a serious time” – he pre-empted the global financial meltdown in ’08.
    Really jealous of this gig!

    • James says:

      Cheers John, I won’t lie it was pretty amazing all round. Get the feeling Tobin will be touring ISAM for a while, so defo try and catch it.
      How was the Sonar?

  3. Luci says:

    Really sorry I missed this.

    • James says:

      Well, you weren’t the only one – online ticketing problems meant a lot of people missed this. Hopefully that means they’ll schedule another date in town soon – it’s a must-see!

  4. papa says:

    this stuff if brilliant guys …who took the video as well and the pics are great..will read review asap..xx

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About – überlin

uberlin coworking and photo studio 1

About us

We left London for Berlin in 2010, and have never looked back. Here, we found the creative freedom to follow our dreams, and the opportunity to leave our stamp on the city. We’ve benefited from the help of Berlin’s international community, and our goal is to pay this forward – by highlighting all the awesome things happening in the city, and supporting the talented people behind them. Meet the überlin family:

jamesüberlin’s wordsmith, James is a freelance writer and customer support dude. By day, he works for Basecamp, a company so passionate about remote working that they wrote a book about it, and he spends his spare time helping people move to Berlin and set up shop here.

ZoeZoë is a professional photographer and retoucher who has shot beautiful images for Harper’s Bazaar, Etsy and many more, on location across Europe and here in the überlin studio. Her latest project is When Olive Met, a blog inspired by canine companions and their stylish owners.

OliveOur little Frenchie Olive is the former Chief Happiness Officer at Factory, where she spread cheer throughout the resident startups. Berlin’s cutest office dog loves people, other pups, and is currently looking for laps to warm up. She’s also the star of When Olive Met.

überlin raw steel logo

About – überlin

uberlin coworking and photo studio 1

About us

We left London for Berlin in 2010, and have never looked back. Here, we found the creative freedom to follow our dreams, and the opportunity to leave our stamp on the city. We’ve benefited from the help of Berlin’s international community, and our goal is to pay this forward – by highlighting all the awesome things happening in the city, and supporting the talented people behind them. Meet the überlin family:

jamesüberlin’s wordsmith, James is a freelance writer and customer support dude. By day, he works for Basecamp, a company so passionate about remote working that they wrote a book about it, and he spends his spare time helping people move to Berlin and set up shop here.

ZoeZoë is a professional photographer and retoucher who has shot beautiful images for Harper’s Bazaar, Etsy and many more, on location across Europe and here in the überlin studio. Her latest project is When Olive Met, a blog inspired by canine companions and their stylish owners.

OliveOur little Frenchie Olive is the former Chief Happiness Officer at Factory, where she spread cheer throughout the resident startups. Berlin’s cutest office dog loves people, other pups, and is currently looking for laps to warm up. She’s also the star of When Olive Met.

überlin raw steel logo